Emotional Rescue Toolkit
Although the panic attack, meltdown, shutdown, dissociation and other nervous system dysregulation symptoms may look like an isolated incident, random and unpredictable, they are actually a part of a cycle.
Most of the cycle occurs in the unconscious, so we are not aware of it. But then it erupts and the meltdown ensues.
This workbook provides actionable hacks you can implement at different moments of the crisis cycle (latent, momentum, peak, aftermath) without the self-help gibberish that is so off-putting and, honestly, demoralizing, when you are dealing with such heaviness in the heart, mind and body.
I know it’s rough, so I’m sharing my toolkit of proven tactics to navigate the peak of a crisis—wether it’s trauma, grief, depression, loss, shock, an existential crisis, burnout, a spiritual awakening, Dark Night of the Soul, a tower moment or a big ol’ leap in consciousness. Some of these tactics have also alleviated considerably my most critical moments of depression, along with therapy and multiple other measures.
As you apply these tactics repeatedly throughout the cycles (you may of course use any at any given point, the distinction is merely for reference), they will start to compound and improvements will appear.
I hope it helps. Sending love <3 You got this!
You'll get a full management toolkit, with a Schedule and a Tracking Calendar, plus hundreds of helpful, non-judgemental life hacks and a bunch of cute custom-made gifs.